"And my people shall dwell in a peaceable habitation, and in sure dwellings, and in quiet resting places." Isaiah 32:18

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Oops! I take that back...

The title of the last post was "Spring has Sprung"......ummmmmm, not quite yet.
As I type this the wind is howling and big fat snowflakes are falling.
Yes, I said snow is falling!    It's April 15th....not February 15th, but I guess Mother Nature doesn't care that we're supposed to be warming up, not getting colder.
I didn't think I'd see this much snow on my car again until next winter.
And because the snow is blowing in at an angle it has coated the screens on the rocking chair porch.
I am really glad I didn't pack away my warm clothing yet.    Today is most definitely a jeans and sweater kind of day, don't you think?
I took this picture just 2 days ago when it was in the 70's.  These are the pretty blossoms from our Red Delicious apple tree.....don't know if we'll get any fruit from this tree this year.    Not if the temps drop into the 20's as the weatherman is forecasting for tonight.  Unfortunately, the buds will probably drop off the tree and only the new ones that blossom may bear us any fruit.   We'll just have to wait and see.

All I can say is that I'm glad I listened to our neighbors when they cautioned us not to plant our gardens yet.   Whew!   At least we dodged that bullet.  Can you imagine if we had put all that time and effort into planting and then had them all freeze tonight?   That would have definitely been a little upsetting.  
In the meantime, this is a sneak peek at tomorrow's post.   Can you guess what my guys are building now?

One last snow,