"And my people shall dwell in a peaceable habitation, and in sure dwellings, and in quiet resting places." Isaiah 32:18

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Happy Easter

I believe that Easter represents a time of renewal.   The leaves are pushing their way thru the bark of trees, flowers are popping up out of the ground where there once was snow and birds are busy preparing for the next generation of their kind.  All around me I can witness the joy of a fresh start as the earth "wakes up" from it's winter slumber.

All born again Christians will celebrate the resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ, on Sunday.   All things are made possible thru Jesus.   He gives you the very breath you take.   He watches over you as you go about all the mundane activities of your daily life.   He is with you in joy and sadness, sickness and health, want and bounty, and yes, even when we sin He is with us.

And, sadly, we all sin.  Every day.   Without fail.   But the hope we have is that Jesus died on that cross almost 2000 years ago and he took our sins upon himself by giving himself as a living sacrifice in place of us.   We are the ones who deserve that punishment, but God loved us so much, can you understand this?......God loved us so much that he gave his only begotten Son to die on the cross for us. You and me.   And all we have to do is accept His invitation to become part of His family.  He's knocking on your door, won't you let Him in?

Yes, it's really that simple.  Jesus is knocking on the door of your heart.   Think about opening up to Him, just tell  Him you know you've sinned, and that you accept Him as your Savior.   It really is that simple.....just pray for one minute.   Admit to God that you have sinned and ask to be forgiven.  And Jesus will be with you, he will dwell in your heart and your sins will be forgiven.  And your name will be written in the Book of Life.   And you will dwell in heaven after you are gone from this earth.   And you will be part of a family bigger than anything you have ever known.   And you will gain peace. 

And then go and find a church so you can learn more about the miracle of salvation.....salvation from our sins.   And be part of something much larger than ourselves.   And you will find a refuge from the hustle, bustle, and stress of our everyday modern lives.  I promise you, if you just ask Jesus to come into your heart, you will never regret it.  It will be your "fresh start" just like the earth waking up from the winter's cold.

Praying for your "fresh start",
Blessings to you and your family,
From Debbie & Joel