"And my people shall dwell in a peaceable habitation, and in sure dwellings, and in quiet resting places." Isaiah 32:18

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Going, Going, Gone.....

It's another River Weekend for me! During the crazy storms that roared across the southeast on Thursday, I tried to dodge the worst of the storm and scooted up I-75 wanting to get to the river ASAP.   My  mom's sister, Gladys, has been in Florida for the winter, and they have a second cousin they wanted to visit who lives 45 minutes from our place at the river.  Road trip!

 Well, we three came up together, stopping for the required breakfast at Cracker Barrel, then on to visit their cousin.   By the time we arrived at the river, the rain had pretty much tapered off and I showed them around our Tin Can Cabin.   I had recollections of my childhood as we played Scrabble late into the night, drank tea, and laughed until we almost pee-d our pants!!  Aunt Gladys, I still say "gooey" is not spelled "G-U-E-Y"....giggle.  I'm buying a Scrabble dictionary this weekend for future reference!

After breakfast the next morning we headed out on cousin Steve's boat for a 2 hour tour of the river which included Blue Springs Creek. There were so many turtles sunning themselves on fallen branches peeking up out of the lazy river. Aren't they cute?  They were everywhere!

Then we rounded the corner of my favorite spot on the river, and there HE was! Yup, the bull gator, or as I like to call him, the Grandaddy of them all. Oh-My-Goodness, was he ever huge, magnificent, scary, prehistoric, and did I already mention...............HUGE?!? Steve angled the boat and ever so slowly we putt-putted toward him....all the while Steve is excitedly saying, "Debbie, click your camera, get his picture!!!" I'm clicking, I'm clicking...and here he is.  If you "double click" on the pic with your mouse, you will get a really good look at him.

The closer we approached him, the more he slid down toward the water's edge.   Watching him move was mesmerizing....this wasn't on tv, this was right in front of us!  Steve estimated that he was at least 10-11 feet long, but who's going to get out a measuring tape to check? 

And then he was going, going, going and splash, he was gone.

Awesome day on the river,