"And my people shall dwell in a peaceable habitation, and in sure dwellings, and in quiet resting places." Isaiah 32:18

Monday, June 9, 2014

Bunnies and a Turkey

Yes, we have the most adorable bunnies that frolic and play all over the land.   They seem to be unafraid of me as I can walk pretty close to them and snap off a few pics.   Then they get bored of watching me and run off to play tag beside my garden.
 Hmmmmm.....close to my garden.  Maybe that's not such a good idea.   But they're so cute!  It may be time for that fencing now.
 And they're off and running again......they're pretty fast little stinkers.
 But who doesn't love a fluffy white cotton tail?
 And how do you like that sunset?     The clouds were the prettiest color that evening and everything shimmered in a pink light for just a few precious minutes.
 Ok, and here is our turkey.   He/she takes a walk everyday from the field below our land, strutting up past my garden and hanging out for a while....pecking bugs and worms from the ground.    Joel has started to call this one "Thanksgiving".   Ha!  Keep eating, keep eating my feathered friend.
The garden is going crazy.   The beans and peas and corn have all sprouted from the seeds we put in the ground a short time ago.   And the tomato plants are already almost twice this size since I took this picture early last week.  
 The red cabbage are getting huge!   Each plant is well over 18" across and have started forming heads.   I hope I will be able to save them from the little critters that love to eat them first.

 The green cabbage is huge,too and now the broccoli in the second row has started to form their florets.    I can almost taste the veggies now.    Pretty soon we should be able to start harvesting some veggies and enjoying the fruits of our labors.    We've been eating lettuce from the garden for a week now and each time I cut a head off it starts to grow back.    Not sure how long we will be able to eat lettuce as it doesn't like it once it gets too hot during the day.   
Watering the gardens has become a morning ritual that takes me over an hour.   So I bought one of these sprinklers to help me with that task and it seems to be working.   All I have to do is move the sprinkler 2 times and the whole main garden gets watered while I attend to other chores.   Can you believe how lush the potato plants are?

I sure hope you don't get sick of seeing pics of the garden.  I'm just so amazed at how much everything is growing and am very excited to see what amount of produce we'll harvest for all our hard work prepping the soil and planting the huge variety of veggies.   Sorry to say there will be more pics of the garden's progress as well as its failures over the coming months.  

Watching and waiting,