"And my people shall dwell in a peaceable habitation, and in sure dwellings, and in quiet resting places." Isaiah 32:18

Friday, May 2, 2014

And it all started in itty-bitty Crossville...

You're not going to believe what happened to Jeremy last night!    He has been going to a couple different karaoke bars one or two nights a week and getting up on stage to sing.    At first, Joel and I cracked up that our seemingly introverted, youngest child would have the courage to stand on a stage in front of a group of strangers and sing one song......but no!  He sings several!

Well, one of the establishments started a contest just after Jeremy arrived here this winter and he decided to enter it.    He did so well that he won that particular week and that put him in the running for a contest May 1st.    Last night.    And he won.   No kidding!   He got home last night long after Joel and I fell asleep and left for work just before we got up.   But when we did get up, this is what Joel found on the kitchen table.....
 No, not the flowers.....the trophy!
I'm not sure why it says vocalists......plural.    We'll get more info from him tonight after work.   I did get a quick call in to him just a few minutes ago and he was pretty excited.   He had thought that last night's contest was the finale.....and that the winner would take home $1000, but he was mistaken.   He DID win $200, though.  

And when he left the stage one of the judges was a woman who told him she wanted to get him on the hit tv show, The Voice.   I'm not kidding.   We were cracking up....he says she was really insistent.  And he won a few hours recording time at a studio.   Yes!   I know!   She(the judge) told Jeremy that when sound traveled over his vocal cords it was like "velvet".   He just giggled as he relayed all of this to me over the phone and said, "Whatever that means."

So that's how we started our Friday morning.   How about yours?