"And my people shall dwell in a peaceable habitation, and in sure dwellings, and in quiet resting places." Isaiah 32:18

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Knitting Fever

The thermometer outside is still registering in the 90's, but my internal clock tells me Fall is just around the corner.   And while waiting for lowering temperatures to bless us with sweet relief from the heat, I get the irresistible urge to pick up my knitting needles.   I know just how to scratch that itch, too.   It just so happens that when we moved earlier this summer, I took the time to organize (ahem) some of my enormous stash of craft supplies, making it easier to find projects all ready to go.

Let's see, there's the bin of U.F.O.'s (unfinished objects like quilts, etc.), there's the bin of Christmas quilts(someday I hope all the beds in our house will be graced with lovely holiday quilts), there's the bin of smaller sewing projects I've collected over the past couple of years, and then there's the bin of yarn....complete with patterns.    So I dug out the bin of yarn and discovered some simple cotton yarn and a few patterns I downloaded from the internet.   Ahhhh, just the perfect project for a few nights of knitting.   AND, the cotton isn't so hot to work with (remember, we still have our A.C. running full tilt).  Who wants to work with itchy wool in this heat, right?

And here we have it......Ta-da!   Wash cloths!   And they were so fun to knit, too.   I think I'll be making a whole bunch more of these.   I especially like the wavy one.  Each one took only a few hours to knit, which was a perfect way to satisfy my knitting fever.  And how gratifying to have something useful as an end product?   I started using the wavy one yesterday and I love the feel of it under my fingers as I'm scrubbing dishes.   Yes, I'm hand washing dishes as the dishwasher at our rental has been deceased for a week now.   Ah, but that's another story for another day.....

Till then,
Knitting fever has abated,