"And my people shall dwell in a peaceable habitation, and in sure dwellings, and in quiet resting places." Isaiah 32:18

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Our "New" Old Kitchen Table

Yippee!   I finally found a kitchen table to replace the bad boy that opened Joel's skull 3 weeks ago when he passed out.   The old table was too "Florida" for the farmhouse and it was way too large for our little eat-in kitchen.   Last Thursday I was traveling back home after a trip into town when I passed some furniture set up for the 127 Yard Sale.   More on that later.

I pulled in and explained what size table I was looking for and there she was.    A table that came from an estate of a 90+ year old woman.   The table is from the 1930's and I instantly fell in love with it.   The antique dealer and I loaded it into the back of my car and I brought it home.  And left it in the car until the next day.   And then.......I got up the nerve to tell Joel I had bought a table for our kitchen.   Sometimes he loves when I "find" things like this and sometimes he doesn't like my treasures as much as I do.   

The joke was on me this time.   When I finally took him outside to see the table that was hiding in my car, he loved it!  How about that?    Even in its dirty state he could see what I saw in it.....a sturdy white oak table with really cool lines.  
Yuk!  I told you it was dirty. 
And the front wasn't much better.   After a good scrubbing it started to look a little bit better.     Well, just a little bit.
I spent the better part of an hour getting up close and personal with an orbital sander and some 150 grit sandpaper.   Next,, we hauled it into the kitchen onto a tarp for a fresh coat of paint.   Molly was my helper, can you tell?  I painted some strategic places underneath just to freshen things up a bit.   The legs and apron got 2 coats of paint....my favorite color.....Linen from Benjamin Moore.
After painting the top we hauled it outside again and I took the sander to the top once again to create a worn look.  
And this is how it looks with our old pineapple carved kitchen chairs.    I think we're going to like it!
Here's a close up of the table top.   At each short end of the table there are narrow leaves that come out from underneath the table and snap into place level with the tabletop.   When both leaves are up in place it turns the table that seats 4 into a table that seats 6.  Perfect for our eat-in kitchen.
And this is what the table looks like with the extensions back in place under the table.   Ta-da!   Works for me!
And I like the crossed leg supports under the table.  We're really glad this table is nice and sturdy.   All it needed was some TLC and a little paint.   Tonight I applied the first coat of clear wax to the table.   Tomorrow the second and third coats will be applied and then I think we can start using the table for our meals.  Waxing the tabletop gives it a soft patina and makes it impervious to liquids.   This table should last another 30 years now.
The size of this table is so much more appropriate for our kitchen and the worn paint finish certainly looks more farmhouse-like than the modern glass and metal base table we removed.  It also feels good to be one step closer to having a completed kitchen....even if it is just a table.  

Gonna put a heating pad on my sore painting, sanding, waxing arm now,