For those of you who weren't in the military, A.W.O.L. stands for absent without leave. I know I've been missing for quite a while on the blog, but it was for a good reason. Dear Ken, my father-in-law, fell and was taken to the hospital. Three days later he was admitted to a nurturing nursing home in Bradenton after he was diagnosed with advanced Alzheimer's. It has taken several weeks of cleaning their home to find important papers, get a handle on their finances, and help Madalen to adjust to her new life living alone.
Unfortunately, we have come to realize that she is also in the intermediate stage of Alzheimer's herself. Just this last week, she was unable to pass her driver's eye test and so she has willingly given up her driving privileges. We are just grateful that they have both had such long, healthy and productive lives. They both dedicated their lives to the Lord at a young age and have lived as Godly examples to those around them.
We should all be so fortunate to have made such a life altering decision.
In between trips to Bradenton, I've been tending to our garden and fitting in some sewing when possible. I'm just tickled every day when I go outside and pick some fresh produce right in our own backyard, bring it in and serve it up for dinner that night. All my herbs have been dried in the dehydrator and stored in ball jars for use when the growing season is over. Wonder if the neighbors would mind if we got a few chickens........
Thanks for listening,