Barn quilts come in all different sizes and colors and vary greatly in the choices of designs. Recently our quilt guild had a guest speaker, Suzy Parron, who has written two entire books about barn quilts, how they came to be, and where you can drive in your state to see them. Here in Cumberland County we have a barn quilt can drive thru certain rural areas and you'll spot a barn quilt on barns and outbuildings. How cool is that?
After Suzy gave her lecture to our group she also taught a class on how to create your very own barn quilt. I've been wanting to make a couple of barn quilts almost ever since we bought our farm, so, I was all in!! Since taking the class I've been thinking about what barn quilts I would like to create for some of our buildings here at Whispering Oaks. To that end, this is what I painted yesterday.
And Joel loved it, too! I painted it with him in mind and we decided to hang it on the end of his workshop. It seemed to fit right in there.
Of course, while we were there taking pictures the dogs had to come see what we were up to and get in on the action. Shadow just loves a good scratch on the head.
When Jeremy and Hannah visited us a couple of weeks ago I asked Hannah if she would put her artistic talents to use for me and make a chalk board sign for Spring for our porch. Didn't she do an awesome job? I love it!
So this week I brought out my bunnies and sprinkled them around the house and screened porch. This Peter rabbit fit right in with our Spring theme. I'm so glad winter is behind us and I can "decorate" the outside of our house once again. Look for more barn quilts in our future,