We removed several boards from this wall to open up the barn allowing more light and air flow into the barn. Then we attached a hog panel in the open space which will become an easy spot to attach the feeders for the girls. And just what the heck are hog panels, you ask????
These things leaning against the barn are hog panels........they are 16' long, just over 4' high and are nice and sturdy. And they are the farmer's friend. We used them to create our hog pen last year, and they were also my trellises in the huge garden for my tomatoes and cucumbers. And now they are getting repurposed as room dividers and feeder holders.
See? We attached hog panels to the wall here to hold the feeders.
And we used one to separate the girls from the boys. Now they can see and sniff each other without, er, um, shall we say.....interacting on an up close and personal level. We'll soon see how that works out.
And here on the left side you can see how we closed in the open area of the girls stall with hog panels and a gate. The barn sure looks a whole lot different than it did 3 weeks ago.
Our last task was to finish removing the boards leading to the boys side which allowed us to install a gate and short wall of hog panel to fill in the open space on the left of the gate. Whew! Almost there!
Not too bad for a bunch of city folks, right?
All we need now are some critters.
That's the next post, folks,