"And my people shall dwell in a peaceable habitation, and in sure dwellings, and in quiet resting places." Isaiah 32:18

Tuesday, November 18, 2014


Yes, apparently we are blessed to live under part of the flyway for Canadian Geese making their yearly migration south to warmer climes.   As I went outside a few days ago, I thought I heard some geese and had to stop and listen carefully to make sure what I heard was really geese honking.   As I looked up toward the edge of our woods, I could see the distinct "V" moving over the tree tops, high in the frosty sky.

They were honking and flapping their wings and making time, trying to head south before winter settled in for the next few months in their summer homes up north.   It's been a long time since I heard and saw the majesty of these great birds with my own eyes and ears and it made tears prick the back of my eyes as I watched and listened to them.   And then I remembered to grab my camera!   Yikes!    I hope you will indulge me as I wax poetic about reliving the sights and sounds of my childhood......all over again here at Whispering Oaks.
At first I thought it was just one group of geese flying over the farm.
But in just 10 minutes I watched as hundreds and hundreds of geese flew overhead.
Some of them were flying at higher altitudes than the others.
And some were in perfect "V" formation.
 While others were in the process of regrouping and changing the leader....something one goose will do to break the wind for the geese following him.   And then when he gets tired, another goose will take the lead....and start the cycle all over again.   It's really a thing of beauty to watch them do what comes naturally to them.
And then they were gone.   Hopefully they found a lovely farmer's field with tall stalks of dried corn where they can rest for the night and feast on corn before taking off again for another long day of flying. 

Meanwhile back inside the studio, we three hung the upper cabinets and shimmed the lower cabinets and screwed them all securely to the wall.   Ahhhh.....another huge project checked off the list.
Yesterday was rainy, snowy, super windy and bitterly cold, so it was a great day to stay inside and play in the kitchen.   Remember all that pumpkin I had leftover?   Well, I took 2 cups of the puree, added 1 cup of canned evaporated milk, 2 cups applesauce, 1/4 cup of honey, 1/4 cup shredded coconut, 1/2 tsp. ground nutmeg and mixed it all together.   The mixture got divided up onto 4 of my sheets and placed in the dehydrator for 8 hours.  

Voila!   Pumpkin Fruit Leather!   For some added flavor I sprinkled some finely chopped dried cranberries onto 2 of the sheets.  
They all get rolled up and now they can be stored in a zip-lock bag and are snacks....ready to be grabbed on a moments notice.   Gotta love all things pumpkin!
Isn't it pretty?   Recipe courtesy of www.commonsensehome.com.   And it sure beats the fruit roll up things in the store that are full of preservatives and high fructose corn syrup.   Now I'll have to experiment with other fruits.

Well, that's all that's happening around here.   This morning when I woke up the ground had a covering of fresh snow and it was 18 degrees.   Brrrrrrr......it's too early for it to be this cold.  But I have to admit I love wearing warm sweaters, flannel and soft hats and mittens for a change from flip flops and tank tops.

Staying warm,