Yes, our roosters have matured to the point of crowing early in the mornings. It was so cute to watch them exercise their voices over the last few weeks as they strutted around the chicken pasture, trying their best to crow. The sounds that came out of their beaks was a bit weak, but they were persistent and then, finally, one of them crowed. Joel and I were standing there watching them and the rooster was so proud of himself.....and a little surprised, too!
Meanwhile, the "girls" daintily walk around the pasture making the sweetest soft coo-ing noises.
It's been so interesting to watch them all grow over the last 5 months and to see the maturing in their demeanor as well as their physical bodies. Pretty soon it will be time to cull out the majority of the roosters to eliminate any fighting over the "girls". That means humanely butchering the roosters to fill our freezer. Such is the cycle of life on the farm.
Last week we cleaned out the nesting boxes in preparation for the hens to start laying their first eggs. The boxes got lined with clean straw so the girls have a nice soft, clean place to lay the eggs. While we were in the coop the guys looked up to see where a noise was coming from up near the top of the highest roost.
One silly bird had followed us into the coop and flew up to the top roost to watch what was going on inside.
Then it was time to put fresh straw in the Pig Palace. Funny thing about pigs.....they are the Diva Decorators of the animal kingdom. No, I'm serious! Pigs are known to rearrange the straw in their shelter until it is "just right". They don't like it too thick, and they don't like it too thin.....and it has to be piled up in a precise manner to suit them. It's hilarious to watch these muddy, grunting, slobs get fanatical about rearranging their straw in their shelter. Yup, these are the same animals that pee in their water trough, roll in mud, and eat off the ground. But don't mess with their shelter straw!
See? There they go, moving the straw around to suit themselves.
"Ahhhh, that's better now. Whew! Glad that's done, aren't you Bacon? Yes, Pork Chop, thanks for all your help."
Yes, you're a cutie.....well, sorta. Pork Chop has the sweeter disposition of the two pigs.
Bacon, however, will practically knock you over when you walk into the pen with her....she's so excited to see you. She and Jeremy were having a conversation. Don't ask!
And here is the last of our critters, Molly. She has been under the weather this last week with a bladder infection. One of her favorite places to relax is in the crack between the back cushion and the firm back of Joel's comfy leather love seat. Doesn't she look rather pitiful with her ears flopped on top of the cushion?
Top of the Mornin' to you,