Just wanted to wish you all a lovely Fall. The leaves have barely begun to turn here on the plateau and I'm enjoying each day as the temperatures slowly start to decrease. It's time to start putting the garden to rest, but first I have to finish cleaning out the last of the veggies still ripening. Joel and I went into the garden this morning and cut some of our dried corn stalks to use as a decoration at the mailbox.
Joel was laughing and asked me who I thought was going to see it way out here in the country? Seriously? Doesn't he know me well enough by now to know that I did it for me to enjoy....not to decorate for the folks who pass by our farm. It only took us 10 minutes to cut and bundle them so I could attach them to the mailbox post, but I think it turned out charming. I'm having too much fun!
Maybe I'll plop one of our pumpkins beside the mums when I harvest those next week. For now, I'm just tickled to be "getting my country on".
Happy Fall, Y'All,