"And my people shall dwell in a peaceable habitation, and in sure dwellings, and in quiet resting places." Isaiah 32:18

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Meet Miss Molly

We have a new family member and her name is Molly.   Joel came up with the name and it seems to fit her.   Molly is a Cavachon.....daddy is a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and mommy is a Bichon.
Jeremy's dog, Winston, was not so sure about this little fluff ball invading his territory.

"Hmmmmm, maybe she's not so bad after all!"
When we picked her up in north Georgia from the breeder she was just 5 lbs.   We really had to watch where we were walking so we wouldn't step on her.
As my family can attest, I am not the dog person in our family.  But, Molly is MY dog.........I just can't resist her fluffy cuteness!   Getting up several times a night to take her out has been a challenge.  (It's amazing how you can forget about that part of having a puppy!)

 Jeremy even enjoyed playing with Molly.....she kept kissing his face and biting his hair!
Whew!   Asleep, finally...........

Maybe now we can all catch up on our ZZZZZZ's,