Sunday, 6:15PM Deep breath......gentlemen, please unroll the last section of runner.
We still had one last surprise for the bride and groom. Months ago, Lynn had emailed me a copy of a heart wrapped around a cross that was a symbol of the happy couple's love for one another. I enlarged it on my printer several times until it was over 20" tall. Then I used teal Ultrasuede and silver lame' to recreate their emblem. I barely had time to sew it to the runner an hour before the ceremony so it would remain a surprise for them.
First, Lynn and Lee are escorted down the aisle. What a handsome couple.
And here comes the bride on the arm of her proud dad. The music was beautiful, the breeze and cool temps were perfect, the setting sun made the entire wedding scene glow while lights twinkled in the greenery.........and the bride was beaming.
There was not a dry eye among the crowd as Drew and Laura spoke of their love for one another and promised a lifetime of devotion to their spouse. What a tender, touching ceremony.........
Drew's older brother, Dave, and younger brother, Grant both look on during the touching ceremony.
And then, just that fast, it was time to present Mr. and Mrs. Drew Gooden.
Here are some additional pics
And when the ceremony was over, there was Vicki, my cohort in crime, who so eloquently put into words all that I was feeling when she said,"We DID it!" Make no mistake, Vicki and I were only a fraction of the team that worked on the wedding. Months of planning and decision making were already completed when we arrived in Kansas City to be Lynn's "helper bees". Considering that Vicki and I only met Friday night, we quickly bonded together over a three day period in our desire to help Lynn make this wedding a dream come true. After all, what are good friends for?
It was a fun, tiring, comedic, sometimes stressful, rewarding week that I would do all over again in a heartbeat! Thanks, Lynn, for inviting me and for including me in this wonderful memory of your life.
Love you, girl,