"And my people shall dwell in a peaceable habitation, and in sure dwellings, and in quiet resting places." Isaiah 32:18

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Debbie's "Excellent Adventure"

The Beginning:
Months ago, my friend Lynn called me from Kansas City.   She and I met and became friends while working together in the ICU at a large inner city hospital in downtown Kansas City twenty five years ago.  It was right after Joel and I got married and the kids and I had moved cross country to start a whole new chapter in our lives.  During our three years there, we got to know Lynn and her husband Lee and we stayed in touch even after we moved back to Florida.   We both grew our families and saw each other a handful of times over the years.

The Plan:
When Lynn called to say her middle son was getting married she asked if I would consider coming out to Kansas City to help her put on the wedding in their backyard.    Well, my friends and family know how much I detest flying and I told her I'd have to think about it.    Joel and I discussed the possibility of the trip and I started to formulate a plan to drive out there instead, making stops along the way at the homes of other friends who have also been asking me to come visit.

The Details:
So, with a calendar in one hand and mapquest on the computer, the dates were set for departure and arrival at a number of stops all along the south and midwest.  It was almost three weeks ago when I packed the back of my car, gassed up, and left on a hot sunny afternoon and drove to the my first stop, the river.   I dropped off a load of goodies there and tried to get a good night's sleep.   I was so excited for the trip ahead that I had a hard time getting more than a few hours of rest.   I saw these turkeys while at the river.
Day Two:
At least by heading north from the river, I had already avoided the early morning rush of Tampa Bay traffic and even though the drive was long, it was smooth sailing all the way to northern Alabama.   I passed several convoys of trucks heading to the Carolina's in preparation for the hurricane they were expecting there.  It was eerie to think about the possible devastation they might be facing after the storm.
One state line crossed, how many more to go???  After over 10 hours driving, I pulled into Barb and Chuck's driveway in northern Alabama.  Boy, was I ever glad to see them and to get out of that car! Barb and Chuck started an adventure of their own a couple years ago when they moved from St. Pete to the rolling farmland hills of northern Alabama.  Now they have a beautiful home, a barn, chickens in a coop and several gardens that supply them with all kinds of homegrown goodies.   That's a far cry from living in the city!  And, oh, what fun they are having!

Does this pic remind you of the old tv show "Green Acres"?
I've never gathered fresh eggs before and I must say that it made me want to have some chickens of my own.  What a luxury to have fresh eggs on hand all the time.   Barb and I sewed a few projects, she showed me around their property and we drove the surrounding miles so I could get a feel for the area.   We went to her book club and I also met some warm and friendly ladies from the quilt guild.  Having grown up in a somewhat rural area myself, I really appreciated why Barb and Chuck are so enamored with their new life in the country.
There were hummingbirds and wild birds galore singing to us every morning while we ate breakfast on the enclosed screen porch off the kitchen.  Even though it was in the 90's in the afternoon, the mornings were pleasant enough that we could spend some time enjoying the rocking chairs while we sipped coffee and sampled the jams and jellies Barb had "put up" over the summer.    Good grief, do I really have to leave here?!!

The next leg of the journey,