"And my people shall dwell in a peaceable habitation, and in sure dwellings, and in quiet resting places." Isaiah 32:18

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Ta-ta totes

Alrighty now....for those of you who are uninitiated, here comes a little tutorial on bra purses. Most of the purses I make are constructed with 34C or 36C bras that have substantial padding in the cups. The padding prevents the cups from collapsing and looking, well, tacky.

But, the padding also makes the two cups sewn together take on the shape of a small basketball. Hmmmmmm.....that can be a problem when trying to use the basketball, oops, the purse because the contents fall out when the purse rolls on it's side. So, after struggling with a prototype for 2 months, I developed a technique to insert a base on the bottom of the cups that enables the purse to stand up and not roll over when placed on the countertop.

Well, I got bored(who me? never!) making the purses with the base, so, one day I choose an A-cup bra from my enormous tub-o-bras and sewed the two cups together. Ha! Cute as all getout! And, the Ta-ta tote was born. Of course an A-cup purse is much smaller than the regular bra purses, but they are just the right size to hold a lipstick, credit card and your keys. Perfect for a night out on the town. And, you can have one in every color to match every outfit. These two Ta-ta totes are the latest ones hot off the sewing machine. Hope you like 'em as much as I do.

Hot sewin' Mama,