"And my people shall dwell in a peaceable habitation, and in sure dwellings, and in quiet resting places." Isaiah 32:18

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Jeremy & Hannah's Engagement, Part Deux

Ok, so when we left off, Hannah had just said "yes" and looked in the direction of the bridge.   Both she and Jeremy started to laugh as the sorority sisters broke into hoots and hollers as well as the group of their friends waiting down under the bridge.
The two groups made quite a ruckus cheering on the newly engaged couple.
Awww, how sweet.  I'm so very grateful to have all these pics captured for family and friends to share.
I'm not sure at what point Hannah figured out that the howls of appreciation were coming from her friends.
Oh....yea.....I think it was right about this moment when she realized she and Jeremy weren't alone and that the cheers were for them.
How much fun was that?
And then the funniest thing happened.   A crowd surrounded them and people were hugging Hannah and taking pictures.   I was confused because I thought everyone involved with Jeremy's plan was down under the bridge.   Who in the world were all these people?  Turns out these were well wishers who just happened to witness the proposal and wanted to get in on the happy moment.
Now it was our turn to wish the happy couple congratulations.
We all came out of our hiding spots and joined Jeremy and Hannah on the museum steps.
Friends and family holding the "Yes" signs.
Everywhere we looked there were crepe myrtle trees with their trunks painted blue.  Kinda weird, but kinda interesting, too.   So I'll leave you with one last shot of the happy couple....in front of the blue trees and the bridge spanning the Tennessee River behind them.   I feel like the symbolism is a little prophetic......a sweet young couple planning a new life together, going off into an unknown future much like those crossing the bridges behind them going off into the future.

Joel and I want to wish God's richest blessings on our son and soon-to-be daughter-in-law.   We are thrilled for Jeremy to have found someone so thoughtful, happy and caring to share his life with.   And we are tickled to welcome Hannah into our family and look forward to creating many years of memories together with her as Jeremy's wife.
And so I'll sign off with this pic of a very pretty (pretty to me at least) manhole cover.    Our memories of Chattanooga will forever be changed with all the happy events of today etched in our hearts and minds.

Looking forward to the (about to get busy) next few months!