It's snowing today. I love when it snows here on the farm. When I was a child, all of us kids would look forward to getting a "snow day" off from school. Of course, I didn't have to shovel the sidewalks or trudge to work in the white stuff like the adults, so snow was totally a fun event for me. All I could think about was taking my sled down to Bungalow Hill, a favorite spot for sledding in our little town, and riding at break neck speed to the bottom......trying my best to avoid the barbed wire fence of the cow pasture down near the end of the ride.
Now, after 34 years of living in sunny Florida, I have a renewed appreciation for the white, fluffy stuff. Here in Tennessee we don't usually get tremendous amounts of snow. The locals tell me that 3-4 snow events in one winter is more the norm.....with just a few inches of snow accumulating each storm. I'm so grateful to have 4 different seasons in my life once again instead of 50 weeks of summer with 2 weeks of "cooler" weather in January thrown in like we had in Florida. That just wasn't very seasonal if you ask me.
Well, it's been snowing here since yesterday. Itty bitty tiny snowflakes.....barely amounting to 2" or so. But what speaks to my heart the most when it snows is the hush. Yes, the hush of snow quietly falling down, covering the grass and tree limbs. I find myself searching the familiar landscape of our farm, checking to see what each building, each bush, each structure looks like with its features softened by the layer of snow.
When I walked outside early this morning, the only discernible sound was that of the birds twittering as they swooped back and forth from the high tree limbs down to our overflowing bird feeders. Otherwise, there was a reverent sort of quiet that touched my heart. I wish I was a poet so I could be more eloquent about how moved I become when walking our land, making bootprints in the freshly fallen snow. And I wish you were with me so I could share how special something as simple as a little snow in the quiet of the country can feel.
The alpaca and cats down in the barn were most certainly happy to get fed this morning as they all stayed inside the barn where it was warmer. I sat on a hay bale and listened to the alpaca quietly munching their ration of hay and watched the cats play with one another. Yes, a snow day is still a special day.....even if I won't be fearlessly flying down Bungalow Hill.
I hope your day brings you happiness like mine has to me. Happy Snow Day!