Oh, I know. Please don't grumble too much at me. I realize it's been three long months since I last posted to the blog. I have reasons. I have excuses. I can rationalize what took over our lives. You just don't understand. Ummmmm, well, we've been crazy busy. And, to be perfectly honest......it was as simple as.....I just got out of the habit of posting. There, whew! I said it. For quite a while, I couldn't figure out how to get pics from my camera to the computer(that actually wasn't so hard to figure out) and then upload them to the blog. And then I just got frustrated and gave up because our daily chores kinda sorta took over our lives for a bit.
But all is figured out now. I think. We'll see if it works today for me. Joel has started reading back posts on my blog(I know, where the heck has he been for the last several years? giggle...). And he is actually the one who has been egging me on to get back to writing. Huh. Who knew? He says he really likes my writing. And he also says I need to do this. Okayyyyyyy. I hear 'ya. So, here we go.
When we last left off, the alpaca had been delivered and I promised more pics of them. Duh. That's when I ran into the glitch with the computer. Now, this new computer is gorgeous....I love it. And for most things it's a piece of cake. But for some reason we have been bucking heads over this photo upload/organize stuff. Um, sigh, you know what's coming next. Yeah, it's not the computer....it's the ditzy blonde arguing with the thing. Did you know there is something out there called "computer support"? Don't you dare laugh at me!
So, this was all of us loading the "girls" up at Tanasi Trace Alpacas. The boys loaded without much fess at all, but the girls were another story. They hemmed and hawed and hesitated and locked their knees and basically were a pain in the tushie. Yeah, I believe it only took us an hour to get them all into the trailer. Whew!
I don't know who was happier to see them come out of the trailer, the "girls" or me. I was so excited to finally see the whole herd on our land, in our pastures and eating inside our barn. Aren't they adorable?
Seeing how content the alpaca were in our pastures made a whole summer's worth of hard labor worthwhile. Yup, happy, happy alpaca in their new home.
The feeding troughs and hay bins are finally put to use in the barn.
And the boys learned how to navigate the corridor leading from their side of the barn up to their pasture. You should see how many cars have slowed down to look at the newest animals at Whispering Oaks. Yup, we've been the talk of the neighborhood, alright. You know, those City Folks from Florida who keep doing new "stuff" all the time on the old Walker Farm. That's how the locals refer to us.
You have to realize, we live in Black Angus country......almost every farmer with livestock owns one thing.....yup. Black Angus beef cows. Period. Oh, they might have a horse or two and maybe even some chickens. I've even run across a few folks who have sheep and goats. But no alpaca. It's cattle that their daddy's raised and now it's cattle that they raise. Oh, well, we aim to keep things interesting in our neck of the woods.
To say that I was tickled pink on alpaca delivery day is an understatement! I was so happy to get in there with the animals and start the process of getting acquainted.
And here they are: the girls in their pasture closest to you and the boys back in their pasture near the chicken coop, oops! I meant to say The Chicken Castle. Sorry, Joel, I forgot the proper name for your fowl's abode. giggle....Don't want to get in trouble with Farmer Joel.
I have spent countless hours watching these gentle creatures since they arrived in September and have yet to tire of just "hanging out" with them. Did you know that alpacas hum? Yes, when they are happy they hum. In different pitches. Sometimes together, sometimes alone. It's wonderful to hang out in the barn and just watch them and listen to their sweet noises.
Well, now you have the whole picture of the day the alpaca were delivered. And what a fitting end to today's post is this picture?
The quintessential farmhouse scene......laundry hanging on the line with farm critters in the background. Oh. Be. Still. My. Heart.
Completely content,