"And my people shall dwell in a peaceable habitation, and in sure dwellings, and in quiet resting places." Isaiah 32:18

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Faux Nest

Ok, so I posted this pic a few days ago of the cake plate with a huge glass dome on top sitting out on one of the tables of our back porch.....

.....and I wrote that I was looking for some eggs to put on the nest.  You know, robin's eggs or quail eggs (yes, we have a large covey of quail here on the farm!).   Ummmm, I can't find any.  Eggs, that is.   Nadda.   And my "nest" is actually lime green raffia.   But it looks like a nest, doesn't it?   I'm simply trying to urge Spring to get going around here.

Well I finally found some eggs.    At Kroger's.   And they're plastic.    Sigh......looks like I'm going to have to work harder at this Farm Chick thing because I couldn't find a single solitary nest or egg anywhere on the farm.  Ok, I take that back.  There are plenty of nests, but they are carefully tended by the blue birds in the bird houses scattered around the farm and I have no intention of disturbing those hard earned abodes.    I had been hoping to find an abandoned nest in a low-lying tree limb somewhere.   Ummmmm......not happening.
 Alright, they don't look half bad, do they?  And looking at the nest makes me think of Spring, which should be just around the corner.
And I even found one of my teal decorative plates to put under the nest.   I know, I just can't seem to help myself.   The decorating bug bit me long ago and I've got the decorating "disease" that never heals.   giggle.....thank goodness for that!

Making our new farmhouse into a home,
(One plate at a time)