"And my people shall dwell in a peaceable habitation, and in sure dwellings, and in quiet resting places." Isaiah 32:18

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Let's go Digging

So here's the scoop regarding the following pictures.   Last Sunday, Joel was taking a shower when the toilet in that bathroom started "burping" huge bubbles.   Hmmmmm, what does that mean, you ask?  Joel knew immediately and cut his shower short.   Pronto!  Then the water in both toilets started to siphon out and they emptied completely.   Uh-oh, this isn't good.

We called a couple different plumbers and ended up with Rick.   Boy, were we ever lucky to find him.   He came out Tuesday and diagnosed what he and Joel thought was the problem.   On Thursday he came back with Mike as his helper and the two of them shimmied under the house into the 18" crawl space and tore out the lines leading from both baths and the kitchen and replaced them.  You see, somehow they had "slipped" and were no longer draining into the septic tank.  I don't even want to think about it.   There were other issues as well but now they are all corrected and we're set for a long time to come. 

They worked tirelessly all day, in the cold, crawling around in the mud, and did it with a smile!!!   Seriously!    These guys were awesome.   As Rick was leaving us Tuesday, I told him that I was planning to make sticky buns and that they would be fresh out of the oven when he arrived Thursday morning.   It made me giggle when he called early Thursday to make sure we were home and I told him the buns were baking as we spoke.   He was quick to reply that if they weren't, he wasn't coming!   Ha!   So after Rick and Mike pulled up in their truck loaded with supplies for the day's work, I walked outside with a plate piled with sticky buns just for them.    Guess they liked them because they were gone in just a few minutes.
Every new house you move into has an issue that needs to be dealt with, or updated, or repaired.   And so I guess this is our repair job for this house.   I think we're good to go now and it gives us peace of mind to know things are working as they should.

Glad that's done,