how we do weekends at our house....we all have our hobbies, thank goodness....
Joel took apart our golf cart. It's getting a lift kit..........hmmmmmm, 'nuff said about that!
Jeremy played with his Mig welder. He's experimenting with some garden art for me.
And I painted fence.............lots and lots of fence.
Two years ago, Joel and I installed 4x4 posts with wire fencing attached to the posts to keep out unwanted critters and our dog. As it seems the garden is a keeper and not just a passing fancy, we upgraded the fence to a Key West look. I've been looking at way too many cottage gardens in magazines(Joel says that, not me!). So we went from this........... this!
And from this......... this.....
I'm sorry, but all I can say is "Yippee!". On my last trip to Wilcox nursery for yet another bale of pine straw, I saw this sign and it had my name alll over it. Well, not really, but it was calling for me to bring it home. I spray painted it lime green and hung it on the gate this morning. Happy, happy.....
The sign says Welcome to my Garden. The gate was just propped up in this pic....I had to wait for Joel to come home tonight and help me screw the new hinges onto the post so the gate could be hung once again.
So, what's next? I'm thinking light grey gravel for the pathways. Shhhhhh......Joel doesn't know about that yet.
Until next weekend,