Hmmm, I've had this idea for a while now and after watching the news this morning, I decided to put my idea into action. We all "hear" about what is going on around us in the world when we watch the news on tv, listen to commentators on the radio, or talk to our neighbors over the backyard fence. But do we really "know" and/or understand what we're hearing and how all that is going on in Washington, D.C. is going to affect us personally? I doubt it.
So many bills and so much legislation is being passed at breakneck speed that there is no way to stay on top of all the changes being made that will profoundly change our way of life here in America. With that in mind, every week or so I'm going to try and tackle a single topic and put it into simple-speak so we can all get a better handle on the most recent issue being debated in our nation's capitol. I'm simply calling those entries to the blog, "D.Y.U.?" which stands for "Do You Understand?"
Today's subject involves the complex monstrous health care bill that Nancy Pelosi(D) famously said,"We have to pass it for you to know what's in it?" REALLY???? Are you kidding me? Since when do our legislators willy-nilly pass a bill without reading it (how would you like to get away with that as part of your defense when talking to your banker? "Well, gee, I didn't know I owed that much money to you. I didn't read the document I signed when you gave me all that money." Ummmm......I don't think the banker would care, he would just want you to pay him back according to the terms of the paperwork you signed. I don't think it's unreasonable to ask my Senator and Representative to read and understand what they are signing into law on my behalf.
Well, the paperwork that was signed in Congress is unraveling as we speak. On page 710 (go ahead, check it out yourself) of the healthcare bill is a description of how we will put money into an account that will "grow" so that when we reach Medicare age we will "draw" from that account and use those monies to pay for long term health care, if needed. Simply put, Medicare Part A currently pays for hospitalizations and also pays for 100 days of care in a nursing home. This new portion of the law would pay for longer term care in a nursing home. Sounds pretty good, huh? (Remember when your parents told you that you don't get something for nothing? Or you get what you pay for?) Just one problem, the CBO (the non-partisan Congressional Business Office), the folks who impartially "fact check" for our nation, have found that there just won't be anywhere near enough money to pay for all this nursing home care.
Hmmmm......another financial pit. Those leading our nation keep promising us a lot of "something" when we're not putting away enough money to pay for those "somethings". So what is Congress going to do about it? Well, they're scrapping that portion of the bill. Yup, just cutting it out. No big deal to me because I never thought the bill was going to benefit me or my family in any way, shape, or form. But a lot of our congressmen voted "yes" for this bill based on this portion of it. Huh, wonder how they're feeling today about their vote?
And while we're on the subject of healthcare....why are over 1400 companies being granted waivers from participating in this fabulous new healthcare law? The number of waivers granted each week keeps climbing. If this law is so wonderful, why are union based companies leading the charge to obtain a waiver so they don't have to comply with the new law that you and I will have to comply with? Go ahead, Google it for yourself and see what is happening.
Stay smart, read for yourself from a variety of sources. Don't believe me, I'm just a blonde with a computer, check into these important issues for yourself because one thing you can trust me on is this: These issues WILL affect you and your family for years, if not generations, to come. Get informed and then you will know who to vote for by the time the next election rolls around in 13 months. Hey, I know you're busy, but who you elect can and will change the course of your life. Don't believe me? Just wait and see how your health care changes in the next 5 years because of the bill "we have to pass so you will know what is in it" takes over.