Thought I'd throw a few pics of our garden onto the blog. It's so rewarding to go outside and water everything and see how big the plants are getting. The celery is almost ready to harvest(check it out above)...and I've already cut down the flat leaf parsley and dehydrated it and now it's sprouting back! Our tomatoes are still flowering and there are so many little tomatoes on the plants that I can't count them.
All the herbs are happy, happy, too.
Pretty soon the beans will be climbing up the poles...
This weekend we had to figure out a way to let the zucchini, squash and cucumbers climb and keep the fruit off the ground so they don't get blemished.....Joel rigged up these fence gates from Lowe's. Works for me! Pretty cool, huh?
And, he and Jeremy made a gate to keep out the dog and other critters. arbor for the grapes. Maybe next weekend......
Gardening girl,