This is our Florida Christmas front door and entry. Doesn't everyone have a "woody wagon" flag for their home? Love it, love it!

It's difficult to express how much this past two weeks have warmed my heart. Our whole family was together, healthy and happy, for a relaxed Thanksgiving at our house. We celebrated Nathan's first birthday after gorging ourselves on turkey, stuffing and pumpkin and apple pies. Grandma and Grandpa drove up from Bradenton to share the day with us, too.
The next day, our two oldest grandkids even decorated my Christmas tree for me, officially giving me a jumpstart on getting ready for Christmas. I was so motivated that after they left, I finished putting out our decorations in the rest of the house. Believe it or not, we even lit our palm tree trunks outside and set up the sleigh and reindeer. Phew! Done!
Jeremy had his 20th birthday on December 1st......wow! No more teenagers in our house! He is just excited this semester is almost over and he can relax for a few weeks until the next one starts.
I've been busy helping my sweet friend, Melissa, to do a bit of remodeling before the holidays hit. What fun! I think I could do this for a living because I enjoy it so much. Three bedrooms and two bathrooms, now, that's a lot! And, a few other projects thrown into the mix, too, just for good measure. It's all turning out so well, and I can hardly wait to see what we accomplish this coming week. Furniture will be in place (hopefully) and the rooms arranged by weeks' end. Maybe I'll show you some pics when we're all done.
And, I've been sewing some for another girlfriend.......several days a week. So, I apologize for not blogging for quite a while, but, I've been BUSY!!!
Getting back to what I was saying earlier, it just warms my heart to look outside at dusk and see the lights all twinkling on the palms and trees. That just says Christmas at home to me. So, I think I'll go light my pine scented candle and put on the Christmas carols while I sew on this rainy, cool, blustery day. I wish you all warm hugs, unhurried moments of quiet joy, and blessings during this most special holiday season.
Happy decorating,