"And my people shall dwell in a peaceable habitation, and in sure dwellings, and in quiet resting places." Isaiah 32:18

Monday, September 21, 2009

"This is why I Live in Florida"

Remember when we had to write a short essay about what we did during our summer vacation? I'm sure all of you have had that experience at least once in your lifetime. It was usually one of the first assignments we had to complete our first week of school. Well, here's my take on that memory: This is why I live in Florida. As I walked outside early this morning, I was assaulted by the heavy scent of some kind of jasmine blooming. Our backfence neighbors have this huge 15' bush that towers over our fence and it is in its second blooming of the summer. And, oh, the sweet scent that it sends over the whole yard is amazing.
So, I wandered around checking out all our plants....barefooted....still in my jammies....with my camera in hand. And then I discovered this incredible new bloom on one of our white bird-of-paradise plants. We had 2 heavy, soaking rains last night and everything in sight is drenched with water. Oh, my plants are happy, happy!
And, just think, I can do this....barefooted....still in my jammies....ANY DAY OF THE YEAR THAT I FEEL LIKE IT!!!!!!!! You must understand that I grew up in a cold climate and those memories are quite distinct in my mind. So, I really appreciate being able to putter around my yard without a hat, gloves, and heavy boots on my body 6 months a year. Before you get all defensive about "up north", I didn't say it wasn't pretty up there or that living up there doesn't have it's own merits. I'm just saying this is my essay and I'm tellin' you why I love living here. Hey, it's my blog......so, I'm gonna "own it". Tee-hee.
I hope my teacher gives me an "A".