So, I wandered around checking out all our plants....barefooted....still in my jammies....with my camera in hand. And then I discovered this incredible new bloom on one of our white bird-of-paradise plants. We had 2 heavy, soaking rains last night and everything in sight is drenched with water. Oh, my plants are happy, happy!
And, just think, I can do this....barefooted....still in my jammies....ANY DAY OF THE YEAR THAT I FEEL LIKE IT!!!!!!!! You must understand that I grew up in a cold climate and those memories are quite distinct in my mind. So, I really appreciate being able to putter around my yard without a hat, gloves, and heavy boots on my body 6 months a year. Before you get all defensive about "up north", I didn't say it wasn't pretty up there or that living up there doesn't have it's own merits. I'm just saying this is my essay and I'm tellin' you why I love living here. Hey, it's my, I'm gonna "own it". Tee-hee.
I hope my teacher gives me an "A".